Well this is an interesting time we are living through (to borrow a Chinese curse). So, how am I dealing with this crisis, well for a start despite contracting Covid-19 via my daughter in March (along with my wife), I managed it via herbs, supplements and anti-stress/ pro-immune techniques to minimise the virus as best as possible (follow me on Facebook as I've put a few posts up on boosting your immune system and health). Whist recuperating I've started to modernise the website, study and organise the finishing part of my Western Medical Acupuncture course for the back end of the year (hopefully).
I've obviously had patients that I was responsible for during this crisis, so moved over to Zoom virtual consultations, which whilst far from being perfect, does an admirable job. Whilst we are now allowed to use our clinics again, I'm not offering that service, as it's under such stress of PPE, sterility and fear, I therefore have decided to continue with the Zoom Consultations for the foreseeable future (New patients now coming through), which also allows me to see patients from all over the UK and post their medications out. As stated there are some drawbacks, such as if I would normally perform a physical examination before prescribing, then obviously that is a little difficult and I would not prescribe certain herbs or at all until you were seen by your GP and I was satisfied that the concern was wrong or being dealt with (I am a very safe and reserved practitioner).
So if you would like to see me (getting lots of anxiety and stress contacts at the moment), please contact me and we will have a chat.
Kindest, stay safe and well.
Karl x