One of natures subtle, yet potent premier fluid movers. This plant is far more than a gentle Diuretic (increases urine output), its often described by herbalists as a Lymphatic (improving flow and function within the lymphatic system, which works alongside your circulatory system via the removal of excess fluid, microbes and broken-down cells, nutrients etc, whilst the host of your body immune cells watch for danger and deal with it).
However, the largest amount of your bodies internal fluid and thus circulation isn't in your circulatory (blood) or lymph systems, it's in-between, in the tissue itself, between the cells and its called interstitial fluid. This jelly like substance surrounds, moisturises, protects and keeps warm your bodies cells, its also filled with many non cell molecules such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, enzymes, proteins, microbes, white blood cells and rubbish or refuge from the cells themselves.
Unfortunately even under optimal conditions the movement of nutrients, etc, from the circulation through this jelly to the cells, then the metabolic wastes out and either back to the blood or to the lymph again through the jelly which is slow going. However, in today's world of processed food, chemicals, environmental pollutants, prescribed medicines, etc, this jelly is full of extra stresses, poisons and extra white blood cells trying to cope with all this stuff thats not meant to be there.
Galium helps to encourage a faster processing and movement of this interstitial fluid, promoting a smother transit towards the lymph system and then out of the body, which is why we medical herbalists also call it a Depurative (removes metabolic waste and aids detoxification).
Also called Cleavers or stickybobs/ stickywilly , this herb is found in nearly every garden and by every fence/ wall/ hedge in Britain, people are often annoyed at having to remove the hard sticky seeds off trouser legs and dogs coats and is wonderful in relieving congestion, fluid retention, skin eruptions, cloudy/ thick urine, swollen glands, basically that tired flaccid congested post winter feeling, is a tea.
Dosage: The easiest way to use is to pick a few handfuls of the leaves and stems (be careful as the roots are pretty shallow), wash under old water and put under nearly boiled water in a mug, leave for at least 15 minutes, remove plant and drink a lovely refreshing lymphatic herbal tea. Otherwise visit me or your nearest medical herbalist (visit for the nearest) for a consultation, for if Galium is indicated, a herbal mix containing concentrated Galium tincture along with other herbs, is a great tonic.
Cautions: Be a little careful if on water tablets i.e. Furosemide.
Also these pages are not to aid in serious self diagnosis (nothing on the internet is) if concerned about any feeling of illness or discomfort, please contact your GP, dial 111 or visit your nearest medical herbalist (visit for the nearest).